Monday, August 30, 2010

Productive Weekend

The boys and I went to Atlanta for the weekend so my sister and I could try to do a few things around mom and dad's house.  My sister brought Kendall and I took the boys so maybe they would entertain each other while Kristy and I worked............easier said than done.  We ended up playing with them a good bit of the time too. :)  Friday night we made play doh.  Brady made stormy blue, Cal made neon green and Kendall did green apple.  I forgot my camera, so these were taken with my cell phone and did not transfer well, sorry for the blurry pictures.
My sister let them have gloves...Matt said to note that the play doh is not toxic!
I thought this looked cool when the colors were mixed
My mom's cookie cutter drawer/play doh tools drawer

Recipe for Play Doh

1cup flour
2 tsp. cream of tartar
1/2 cup salt

Mix together

1 cup water
1 Tbsp cooking oil
Food Coloring (we used the neon)

Bring to a boil in saucepan.  Pour over dry ingredients and mix well.  It will be hot for a few minutes, so wait to let the kids play with it.  Knead until very smooth.

While we were in Atlanta Matt was busy here playing golf..........I mean working!  [Just seeing how close he reads the blog!]  The FOR SALE sign went up in our yard on Thursday, so he still had several little projects to do around the house that involved paint and would for sure be easier without the boys.
Here is a picture of the For Sale sign and the lock box on our door. 

This is exciting and really scary all at the same time.  We did have someone come look on Sunday. 
Feel like I should do one of those ticker things for how many days the house is on the market?????

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Last week

There were a lot of things that I loved about last are just a few.

#1. Matt and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary. LOVE MY HUSBAND!!! 

#2. We had our house DEEP CLEANED on Tuesday and the carpets cleaned on Wednesday.  LOVING our clean house. 

#3.  Received our beach pictures in the mail.  LOVE my tan babies!

#4. Discovered a fun blog.

#5. Touched up the landscape.  LOVE driving up to a nice yard (and sort of LOVE doing yard work with a 3 yo and a dog).

#6. And last, but not least, we made it through our first full week of school.  I have a new LOVE for the weekend! 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Kindergartener in the House!

We have a Kindergartener and he had a great first day.  He woke up on his own and ran into the bathroom saying, "I'm going to Trinity today!"  He had pancakes for breakfast, frozen not homemade! When I got him dressed, he ran out to Matt saying, "look daddy, I'm in my Trinity clothes!" He was so excited to have Matt and I both drop him off.  His best buds are in his class and we are so excited about his teacher (Mrs. Hallford)!  After we dropped him off, the parents had a prayer breakfast then we had to get in carpool early for early pick-up today.  We went and met Matt for lunch where Cal exclaimed, "I can't believe I went to Kindergarten today!" 

I love his little brown slip-on shoes!

He found his chair

Sat right down and starting building

Yes, that is Will in the red within arms reach of Cal.  May be moving chairs soon. 

Matt telling Cal good-bye

Bennett is the first name in his class, we had snack bucket today.  Cal wanted to take Cheez Its

A few more Kindergarten pictures:

When Matt got home he had these in his hands
Just in case mommy was a little sad about her little kindergartener

We were able to sit and have a nice drink before dinner because the boys were outside playing

This is Day 2...mommy was way more sad today when Cal and Matt drove off

This is Day 3.....I had not taken a picture of his backpack, so thankful for the 3 day week
Ready for the weekend!

Cal had a great 3 days. Small bump in the road when he woke up with croup Thursday a.m., but he still felt like going to school and we went to the doctor after school.  He took a reading test to see which reading level group he should start in next Wed. He loved music and going to the gym, he loved a book called "Who Lives at School".  He can not wait to go to the Science Lab.   

Sunday, August 8, 2010

What a FUN week

I am glad to report that our last week of summer was a very FUN week.  We did Chuck E Cheese on Monday, got haircuts, went to the library, and bought a new DS game on Tuesday, went to the pool on Wednesday, went to a Back to School Bash on Thursday and had a playdate on Friday and ended back up at the pool to wait on Matt to finish his golf game. 

Here is one of the books the boys picked out at the library on Tuesday (The Bass Clef Monster by Sharon Burch and I found out there are 2 more in this series).  They love it!  It came with a CD that reads to them and they have listened to it in the car over and over.  Brady has had me read it to him at least 3 times a day. 

I had to take a picture of Cal to send to his teacher.  He wanted a picture of him and Luigi (not sure if the teacher wants the dog in the pic, so I took one of him alone too).  Here is what I ended up with. 

Brady HAD to have his picture taken too

Starting to wonder how many cups of coffee I am going to need from getting up every morning with my little Kindergartener??????

Monday, August 2, 2010

Art Camp and Cleaning the House

Cal had Art Camp last week and had a great time.  The theme for the week was Modern Masters, so everything was a little abstract.  Last year the theme was space, which was really neat too.The teacher did something different this year...she painted their faces everyday.  He was a pirate 3 days and a dog the last day. I just love this picture of him with his face painted!!!!
That is his hand as a watercolor (below left)

Puppy Dog
Brady just wanted his picture taken too

For the past week, I have been "decluttering" the house.  We have decided to try to get the house ready to put on the market.  We took our first load of stuff to a storage unit on Saturday.  I have a full week of cleaning ahead of me this week too.  Trying to add some fun stuff in this week too, since it is our last full week of summer. WHAT?????  Cal starts Kindergarten a week from Wed.   

Here are some bar stools I just got and the boys LOVE them!  Who knew bar stools could be so much fun? Normally that counter has mail on it! Ha! And, I was afraid Brady would fall off a stool and hit his head (he is prone to stitches and we have had a concussion), but I thought we needed some for showing purposes.   

So here is to another week of cleaning and Cal's last week of summer!