I think that is what everyone calls it these days. The boys had Spring Break last week, but we did not leave Montgomery. With the time change at the beginning of the week, I was glad we were at home relaxing because it took us all a few days to adjust. The boys started off the week with an Art Camp called Abrakadoodle. Several of our friends were also doing the camp. I picked them up from art on Monday and they had their faces painted like lions. We went to Chappy's for lunch with our friends the Roth's. After lunch, Cal's friend Tate came over to play. Here is a picture of them watching Star Wars from inside their Star Wars tent.

On Tuesday I picked them up from art and we went to lunch with our friends the Gulledge's. After lunch I took the boys to get their hair cut. You see a few days before I got Brady out of the bath and pushed his hair behind his ear and he did not recognize himself in the mirror. I explained that it was him, just with his hair behind his ears. He announced that he wanted his hair cut so he could "see his ears"! I could cry!

So here he is......ears and all! The before and after pictures are on my phone camera. He was a lion again today during art camp (He rubbed most of his lion face off during lunch and I don't know why he doesn't have on a shirt). Cal was a pirate. Tuesday night Matt and Brady went with another dad and son to see the Auburn and Alabama baseball game. Since they did not have a ticket for Cal, Cal and I went over to hang out with Mrs. Jenny and Emory. Emory and Cal both love boiled shrimp and chocolate! I brought the dinner (and wine) then after dinner Mrs. Jenny let the kids make cupcakes out of a book Emory had checked out from the library called Tina Cocolina. Chocolate cupcakes with chocolate icing, no boxed cake mix or canned icing tonight! They had a great time. They watched Romona and Beezus until the dad's returned home with the little boys.
Wednesday was our first real stay in bed morning. Originally, we were going to Birmingham on Friday, but then decided not to go, so the boys still "needed" to spend their Lego Store money. We loaded up and went to Toys R Us then went to get KK donuts. Cal was going to an art class at the museum with Matt's mom at 1:00, so Brady and I played outside while we waited on Cal to get back. Our old neighbor's were coming over at 3:30 to play then Cal's friend Taylor was coming over at 5:00 to play and eat dinner. Matt was having a guys night. Cal's friend Taylor left around 8 and that was the end of this day! WOW!
Thursday was the most beautiful day and St. Patrick's day. I forgot how to use my camera a few days of the break :( Cal's friend Will had made it home from skiing, so we picked Will up, went and picked up McDonald's and went to the park for awhile. They came back to the house and played then went over to Will's for a bit. Matt picked them up on his way home and we headed to the batting cages for the first time. I am guessing this is the first of many times I will say batting cages from here on out. Cal is doing machine pitch and it has taken him a little bit to get used to the ball flying at him. Brady and I went in one cage and Matt and Cal were in the other. We left the ball fields to eat Mexican. It was a little cool, but we sat outside.
Friday.......the boys and I were going to visit friends in Birmingham and go to the Lego store, but Cal wanted to do something different. Matt was getting off work at noon, but Cal had practice at 5:00. Not a big window to do something. Our choices were the zoo or the nature center. We may do the Atlanta Zoo next weekend, so Lanark Nature Center it was. The boys and I had been once with Matt's mom, but Matt had never been and was looking forward to going with us. I packed a picnic, but Brady and I ate on the way to Matt's office and Matt and Cal ate on the way to the nature center. So, no picnic pictures. When we arrived at the nature center the man at the desk told us about an area where the boys could get in the creek, and to go ahead and go becasue the Spring Break campers would be coming later.
Sidenote: Brady walked right in shoes/socks and all. Both boys ended up soaking wet, but they dried out while we walked/hiked.
Not sure what they are looking at? Not long after this they tried skipping rocks.
This sign is before you get to Turtle Crossing Pond, where we did not see any turtle's. Brady loves turtle's and was sad to not see any. We had a map and this is where Brady wanted to go after the creek.
This was Cal's pick "Tree Top Walk". Tree Top walk was not easy to get to and it was not as exciting as Cal had hoped it would be. Matt and I carried Brady most the way up and them both most of the way down.
Up in a tree
One just becasue I like it picture.
We had a great time and it was just how the boys wanted to end their Spring Break.
Cal had ball practice, I found a turtle in the garage (more to come on him) and we ended up hanging out with our neighbors. Funny thing is Matt and our neighbor were both grilling hamburgers with blue cheese on top.
Saturday was just baseball for both boys, yard work for Matt and I and Brady played with his friend Garrison and Cal played with his friend Bennett. We had steaks for dinner.
Sunday, REALLY OUR LAST DAY NOW....................We went to church and lunch then the boys went fishing for a bit before they went to play golf. Cal's friend Bennett from across the ditch found a little fish bed. They had caught several before I came with the camera and caught another 4 or 5 within a few minutes. They were using hotdogs to fish with and the turtles were coming from miles around (it seemed). It was funny to look out and see all the turtle heads.
Brady left his pole with Matt over in our yard and went over to watch the big boys
Turtle trying to get the bait before the fish
This is the nasty drainage ditch my children cross to get back and forth from Bennett's yard to our yard. I pretent the "run-off" doesn't freak me out and try not to think about the fact that in a month or so there could be a snake sitting in there.
Now back to school for 9 more weeks.