Monday, May 24, 2010

Ted the Turtle

Cal has been "hunting" a turtle for over a month now.  We finally caught one that was trying to cross the road last week.  Cal named him Ted.

So it appears turtles can carry semonila.  I had mommies freaking out that I let them catch a turtle.  We did not touch the turtle.  Boys had to use a stick.  They had so much fun with the turtle for this one little day.  The boys and I had to go to Atlanta the next day and their daddy released Ted.  Forgetting to mention that he released Ted when we got back after bedtime on Tuesday.  On Wednesday morning as we are leaving for school.........."Mommy, the turtle is gone!" I am shocked.  Cal accused me of releasing the turtle.  We leave for school totally upset about Ted being gone.  After I dropped the boys off at school, I give Matt a call to explain that he broke some rule of parenting.  Surely there is a rule about one parent releasing an animal and the other parent being the one to deal with the upset children. 

I should have taken a better picture of Ted walking around. 

Brooke, the pictures of your turtle were much better.  And your turtle was so clean. 

1 comment:

  1. HA!!!
    My hubby took our turtle back to work with him today to return him to the wildlife and strange enough... the kids didn't even ask about him!!!
    Yahooo - or I may have been in your shoes.
    Uh - and my boys were manhandling him A LOT... I did hear that they can have salmonella so we just made sure to wash good afterward.
