Sunday, June 24, 2012

We Love Daddy!!!

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO MATT!!!!  HE IS THE BEST DADDY AND HUSBAND EVER!!!!! We love and appreciate you! The boys and I surprised Matt with an iPad for Father's Day this year.  He had mentioned wanting one for Christmas, but knew he really wanted one NOW :)
Here they are with the iPad.  We have joked that the boys are more excited than Matt.

Matt wanted to spend a relaxing weekend at the lake for Father's Day (so that is just what we did).  Just thankful this idea of relaxation includes me, the boys and the dog :)
The boys and the cousins
The boys and granddaddy
My sweet boy
His favorite thing he and Matt do together is jump on the trampoline(and play Halo)
My baby
His favorite daddy time activity is up in the air, he said, "there is too much-everything."
After some thought he decided on going swimming.
Matt and Cal's favorite lake activity-Sm ore's
Man's best friend loves the lake too!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Things We Love About Summer- So Far.....

We have been having a great summer, so far.  The boys and I took at quick trip to Atlanta the first week they were out of school.  We saw some family, ate yummy food-that would be Cheesecake Factory cheesecake if you ask the boys, shopped a little and went to the new Lego Land.  The boys had a great time.  I really want to take them to one of the larger Lego Land Parks one day.
There were 2 rides, a 4D movie, and several hands on opportunities like build your own car and race other children.  There was one whole room where they had built famous areas of Georgia.  Above is the falcons stadium and Braves Turner Field.  Both interactive games.

We spent Memorial Day at the lake, have been to the pool, played with friends and went to karate camp.  We have Vacation Bible School next week, a week off then Golf Camp before we leave for the beach.  Here are a few pictures of what we are enjoying this summer so far.

Brady with Kool Kolors ice cream
Cal with Rainbow Sherbet
The ice-cream drawer in our freezer.  Cal declared that it was summer, we should have lots of ice-cream.
Do you know this brand-all flavors are to die for!
Sea Salt Caramel-I have a love/hate relationship-Love It except when it is bathing suit season.....which it is.............
Our new Popsicle mold.  When turned over you have a straw to drink the melted juice.
We have eaten so many cherries in 2 days that Matt decided that we needed a "cherry pitter".  The black gadget above.  It is very awesome!
White Wine for mommy
Tequila and lime for Matt this summer-also note his new juicer :)
He started to try to drink more water back in April, but needed lime to help him get it down.
Then one night he started playing with the lime juice and can make a mean "skinny Margarita".
Love the color "watermelon"
New cute place mats and plates from Target