Saturday, April 28, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Brady

Brady had an awesome birthday week!  He started his week off last Friday with his birthday chapel.  Chapel is only on Friday's, so we decided to do the Friday before his birthday.  He does not love to be in front of a crowd, so this is really not his favorite.  It is more for the mommy!
Mrs. Leah giving his birthday blessing/prayer for him.
I let him dress himself :)
He had to get new tennis shoes(notice the bright orange), crocs and cleets last week.
Leah knew he didn't want to be up there, so she asked him if he wanted his class to come up to sing the God Bless You song with him.  He did and was happy!
Monday he took birthday snack to school.
I found these cute cupcakes on Pinterest.
He is having a pool party, so these little bears in an float were perfect.
He LOVED them. 

Tuesday was his actual birthday.  I had to take Cal to school, so we went to Panera for breakfast after we dropped him off.  He went gift shopping with Grandmother then to lunch.  He had been wanting to see Chimpanze, so we went to the afternoon movie while Cal went home with a friend.  We let Cal skip baseball practice to go eat dinner.  Of course Brady picked the place with fire to go eat.
The guy cooking really went all out to make an awesome "volcano" because this is Brady's favorite part. 
Family photo
The only thing he asked for was this EZ rider car

We ended the week yesterday with this party.  He really wanted a party at the house because he "didn't want to drive anywhere"!  Thankfully we have awesome neighbors who let us borrow their pool for the afternoon, so a pool party it was!

The flip did not end well!
Really the boys taking turns jumping off the diving board was the highlight of the pool.  They all wanted to be judged and just jumped over and over again.
Red team vs. Blue team water balloon fight
We played a few games like where you had to sit on the balloon and pop it.
He picked out a Pokemon cake
Water guns for everyone-they used them at the party then each took one as a favor.
Forgot to take a pictue of the finished table, but another Pinterest idea was beach towels for the table cloth and Sweedish Fish for a snack.

The party was a lot of fun for the birthday boy and all who came to help celebrate.
Happy Birthday to the most active 5 year old I know!
We love you!


Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter

This year Brady had a school egg hunt, but Cal did not (sad, I know).  Brady's egg hunt was at his friend Payne's house.  Half of the parents went to set up and half drove the children from school.  When Brady and Payne walked up they said where is the banner?  So Payne's dad put up a ribbon to run through.

On Saturday before Easter, we went to an egg hunt at Wynlakes.  Always a lot of fun and a lot of friends.
This is the 7-10 age group, but because I was talking, Brady missed the 4-6 year old hunt and went with Cal.  This is Cal, Browder, Carter, John P. and Brady making a plan on where they were running to first.
Proff that we dyed eggs.

Sunday we went to church then went to Matt's parents for lunch and a little egg hunt.
I think Brady is seeing if Cal is smiling for the camera.
He has issues when we ask him to look at the camera.  Maybe if he sees Cal does it, he will do it also!  I can only hope.......
Our Family
Boys with Matt's parents
The Easter egg hunt