Braxton, Cal, Harrison and Will
Silly String, Flashlights and Glow Necklaces for everyone
Pizza for dinner and S'mores for desert
Cal getting ready to go roast.
Sweet, precious Hampton in the orange shirt. I was keeping my friend's little boy also.
Sunday Party
All the kids go into this truck, not into my house!
So we had Halo, Football, Basketball and Mario Kart
There are 4 screens, 4 controls at each t.v., so 16 kids can play at once.
Blowing out the candles
Cal didn't want his picture taken, but Harrison and Will didn't mind :)
I will send special birthday snack on Wednesday and I get to eat lunch with him at school.
This week is Homecoming Week at his school and we are leaving for Disney next weekend.
Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!