It just so happens that 10 on 10 was Cal's first day of school. 10 on 10 is the picture taking game where you take a picture for 10 hours of your day.
Having an orange juice pop with his breakfast. For some reason before bed last night he wanted to make a homemade juice pop. Whatever it takes to wake up on the first day of school.

Heading into Mrs. McNelley's classroom.
Sitting at his desk next to his friend Harrison J. and a little girl named Anna.
Brady having a melt down because his ligth up tennis shoes are too small and Cal was not home to play Wii with him. Realized not long after this that he was too tired to eat at 6:45 this morning. He went with Matt to work while I took Cal to school, so I asked if a biscuit would help.
So I ordered him a sausage biscuit and a coke. Now he was ready to start the day.
We did go by the shoe store to see if they had light up shoes in his size. We also found these cute mini pillow pets. Brady picked out the puppy and picked Cal out a the gator.
Cal only had to go until 11:30 today, so I picked him up then we met Matt for lunch at Jason's Deli. He always gets the salad bar. I forgot to take the picture before he ate, so I took one after. This is the last time I have control over what he has to eat for lunch. He will start eating in the lunchroom tomorrow and we are not allowed to send a packed lunch. Mind you they eat at 10:45.
We went to the bookstore after lunch. Cal likes to look at the comics.
Getting a little fresh air
An afternoon treat with our friends who start back to school tomorrow.
California Yogurt Craze
We ended the day at the playground. That is Cal at the bottom, but Brady's feet you see.