Matt and I took a much needed vacation over Labor Day. It was Matt and I along with 3 other couples. It just so happened that all the husbands play golf and all the wives play tennis (just in case we got up from the pool and wanted some exercise).
We flew out of Atlanta Thursday a.m. and arrived in Puerto Rico just in time to have lunch in the grill by the pool overlooking the water. This is where we had lunch for the next 4 days, except the day we ate in our chairs by the pool.
Thursday, we ate lunch, took naps spent a little time by the pool (Matt took a little walk to the local market, the Pueblo) and we all decided to just stay at the Ritz and eat at the on-site steak house. This would be the first of four nights that we would eat THE BEST FOOD. So good in fact that we overate EVERY NIGHT!
Here are pictures of the lobby, indoor bar/lounge and the pool.
Friday the guys went to play golf and the girls played some tennis then headed to the pool. The girls spent the rest of the afternoon with our pool waiter named Phelix! He was awesome. We went to dinner Friday nigth at a restuarant that had been recommended by some friends and everyone else we mentioned it to.....Marmalade. The owner/cheif, Peter Schinter, spent a good bit of time at our table. He studied in Europe, has worked in New York and Asia before settling in Puerto Rico. I have pictures of the outside (that I took 2 nights later), but waiting on another couple to send pictures from dinner that night. Side note: Just looked up Marmalade and found a picture of J.Lo and Marc Anthony eating dinner at Marmalade in 2008.
Saturday we woke up and went fishing for Tarpin. We had to do 2 couples in each boat. Everyone caught a fish.
This is our captin. I wasn't about to hold the fish!
After we changed from fishing, we ate lunch then took a wonderful nap on the beach under an umbrella. Matt and I decided we wanted to go walk around a bit and look for the boys a little something. We found the El San Juan (the most beautiful hotel I have ever seen). We were eating dinner at a resaurant called Koco that was insided the El San Juan later that night. We found a shop with suvenieres, a Starbucks and a candy shop. Needless to say we were super excited about going back for dinner. Of couse dinner did not disappoint.

Matt declared Sunday that his goal was to do as little as possible (because playing golf and going fishing was so much work :). So that callled for us to not move from the pool. We didn't even go sit at a table in the grill for lunch, we had them bring us our food to our chairs. Yes, waiters at your pool chairs was a "horrible" thing all weekend......they would notice when you finished your drink and come and ask if you were ready for another.......Matt also wanted to eat a local dish call Mofungo. We were sent to a place called Cafe Puerto Rico. Matt and I were able to do a little sight seeing before dinner. One couple went on an excursion and the other two were playing tennis then meeting us for dinner. Have to say that we decided the steak Mofungo was great, the shrimp, not so much.

It was a great trip. We loved our adult time, but were ready to get back to the boys. We would go back and even take the boys back one day. My grandparents lived in Puerto Rico for 2 years during WWII and visited several more times. I can remember them going back for the last time when I was in middle school.