Cal has had a loose tooth for a month or so now and the other tooth was growing in behind the loose one. It was ready to come out. Matt had told him he would pull it, but I sort of thought that it was his first tooth, it should come out on its own. Well.........we were at Matt's office last Monday the 23rd and all the sudden Cal asked if Matt could pull his tooth. I could not argue, we were at the dentist! Ha!
Here is his before picture. I do have a little tear!
Here is Matt with the tooth in his hand. After just one little pull.

Two proud boys!!!!!!!


We have realized there is much debate over the tooth fairy rate these days (Cal's teacher this year left her son $25). Our tooth fairy left $5. It was obviously a good amount, because as soon as he woke up he ran out with his $5 and insisted we call Matt and let him know.
Oh, part of these pictures are from my iPhone and part of them are from Mrs. Diane's camera. That means that I (I mean Matt when I say "I" and my friend Rosemary) have figured out how to get my pictures from my phone onto the computer for me to upload.